My Datawindow DebugMachine v2.4

Long time I did not post here! The datawindow debug machine has changed again…

  • Autocompletion list (CTRL+SPACE in console view)
    • a bug fixe in list items (some where not visible at the end)
    • added pictures
Autocompletion pictures
  • GetFullState / SetFullState the complete state of your datawindow/datastore can be copied/pasted in clipboard in binary format, so dataobject+data+states are maintained (but not transaction object !)
  • Added in syntax view, so it is possible to copy/paste whole syntax + data.
  • Powerfilter (from can be “plugged”: just download matching evaluation version (or purchase it) and copy the file powerfilter.pbd in the dwdebugmachine folder, that’s all ! (does not work in pb090 : requiere to edit code…)
Powerfilter addon

As I do not use pb90 nor pb100 versions and got no feedback for them, I will not maintain those versions anymore.

The attached archive contains pb9 to pb120 sources and binaries.
